Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Here we go!

Monday, October 18, 2010
Pitch 16: The Dyno

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
All Access DVD
Hey all,
I just caught wind the of that Petzl has teamed up with Access Fund to produce the All Access DVD, the proceeds of which benefit the AF 100%. I was happy to see that Chuck Fryberger donated my segment from PURE to the cause, as I have long been a supporter and member of the AF. Check out the press release below for full details.
Petzl Announces Release of All Access DVD
Filmmakers Rally to Support Conservation and Climbing; All Proceeds Dedicated to Keeping Climbing Areas Open
CLEARFIELD, Utah (April 22nd, 2010) – Petzl, a leader in technical climbing gear and hands-free lighting, today announced the release of All Access, a compilation of climbing films from the industry’s top adventure filmmakers. All Access features ten original climbing films, with 100% of proceeds to benefit the Access Fund ( and its efforts toward keeping climbing areas open.
Last summer, several leading climbing manufacturers united to support the Access Fund Land Conservation Campaign, or AFLCC (, the first-ever multi-million-dollar revolving loan program that provides local climbing organizations (LCOs) and other agencies with the funds and expertise needed to act quickly to save threatened climbing areas. Petzl was among the first to step up and contribute, taking a step further in committing to long-term investment in and support of the AFLCC.
To support the AFLCC, Petzl’s John Evans, an Access Fund Board member, decided to get creative, involving the climbing community at large and reaching beyond the trade for awareness and support. Evans solicited climbing filmmakers to contribute short, inspiring climbing films for the All Access compilation DVD.
“It was incredible how willing and motivated everyone was to commit to this project,” said Evans. “It is truly a community effort, and one with real impact -- an effort by climbers, for climbers, to keep climbing access a reality for everyone.”
Petzl committed to covering the production costs for each DVD, and the filmmakers agreed to donate their work for the effort, making the project viable.
All Access features the following films from a talented roster of climbing filmmakers:
Catching Reality – Emil Sergel
Hey Presto – Paul Diffley, Hot Aches Productions
Infinity Lane – TLC Productions
Medeoz – Guillaume Broust
PURE: Sonoma County with Kevin Jorgeson – Chuck Fryberger
Steph Davis – Sender Films
Steve McClure, Hubble – Ben Pritchard
Weeks Before Winter, featuring Chris Sharma – Mike Call
Plus a bonus film, Blind and Naked, by Cedar Wright, and an Access Fund message from Big Up Productions’ Josh Lowell.
“Access is an important issue that all climbers have in common,” said Chuck Fryberger, an All Access contributor. “This project was a great call to action for climbers and climbing filmmakers alike.”
A trailer of All Access can be viewed at
and the All Access DVD can be purchased through the Access Fund Store ( on Mountain Gear online (, and at climbing festivals and events including the Banff Film Festival and the New River Rendezvous. Purchasing the DVD at a participating event will reward the buyer with instant gratification in the form of a free copy ofClimbing magazine.
About The Access Fund
Since 1991, the Access Fund is the national advocacy organization that keeps climbing areas open and conserves the climbing environment. The Access Fund supports and represents over 2.3 million climbers nationwide in all forms of climbing: rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, and bouldering. Five core programs support the mission on national and local levels: climbing management policy, stewardship and conservation, local support and mobilization, land acquisition and protection, and education. For more information visit
About Petzl
For over 50 years, Petzl has been developing innovative tools and techniques used by those entering the vertical world. Today, the Petzl brand is closely associated with adventure, exploration, rescue, and many notable exploits in the worlds of rock climbing and alpinism. Petzl climbing hardware and headlamps can be found in outdoor specialty shops and premium sporting goods retailers around the world. For more information, log on to
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
CORE on Blue Ray

I just got a note from Chuck Fryberger that his new film, CORE, is now available in Blu Ray! This is a first for climbing media! Click the link below to order your copy now!

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Battle in the Bubble
"Battle in the Bubble" Pro Invitational from Cedar Wright on Vimeo.
BATTLE IN THE BUBBLE Part Two with Daniel Woods from Cedar Wright on Vimeo.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Spring conditions
- Posted from the wall
Friday, March 26, 2010
Finally on the wall

A pecker and a super old copperhead. Sort of equalized. Sweet!
More later or tomorrow.
- Posted from the wall
Heads up!

- Posted from the base of the wall, curled in the fetal position, waiting for the torment of raining ice to stop. Not really. But we are at the base.
Location:Wawona,United States
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Key

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hot in the sun
Top of pitch 2
Early start

- Posted from the drive to the meadow
Location:Northside Dr,Wawona,United States
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mescalito: Days 1-3

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Mescalito Media
VIDEO Part 1: BD athletes Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson attempting to free El Cap's hardest climb from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.
VIDEO Part 2: BD athletes Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson attempting to free El Cap's hardest climb from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.
Big Wall Cribs with Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson on El Capitan from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
New Signature Asana Crash Pad: Phase 3: Testing

awesome ... it looks cool - bether than my big madrock pad ... i hope to get one of these here in europe :)
Thanks Martin. We plan on offering them globally, so stay tuned if you're interested!
m. said...
I wonder about the hing system though. Up here in Squamish we find it quite difficult to flatten out landings with that style. I prefer a taco style. Also with damp ground it's nice to have a top fabric that allows you to wipe your feet dry. Aside from those small points the pad looks quite beefy.
When you say that you prefer the taco style for flattening out landings, do you mean that you like to fill in holes with the folded up pad? Or, do you find that the full taco simply does a better job of staying rigid over the gaps? Would love to hear some further input on this fact. Regarding a top fabric to dry your feet, we will be swapping out those camo accents on the corners of the pad with carpet. We noticed the same problem in Bishop with all the snow around. Thanks!
Whoever comes up with a viable inflatable/deflatable pad will own and revolutionize the market. The main impediment to these things are their size, making them impracticable for air travel (and having 4 of them in a small rental car once you get there), not to mention the stigma of walking around with a mattress strapped to your back. Also the CFC's involved in manufacturing the foam pad itself makes them about the least green, least recyclable, least biodegradeable climbing-related product on the market.
Maybe ThermaRest, the inflatable sleeping pad company, could be
approached for input as to how to make this happen. I think eventually someone will come up with a better idea, and we will all look back and laugh (like we do now about lycra in the 80's) about how ridiculous we all looked carrying mattresses around...
Agreed. Technology is advancing rapidly and climbing equipment is only getting more specialized. Flashed has an Air Pad that is actually quite effective in dispersing the force associated with long falls, however like you said, a design like this is quite heavy to carry...
Corey said...
Have you considered a strap on the top for those of us who like to pad stack and carry multiple pads?
Honestly, we haven't for this model. We feel that it's big enough as is, and when we make the final tweaks (including perhaps a new foam combination), it will clock in around 15 pounds. However, I've seen some creatively simple ways to incorporate what you're talking about, so I'll look into it when I'm in Boise this Monday.
Anonymous said...
Do you plan on double stitching where the shoulder straps connect to the pad? That always seems to be a weak point on crash pads, mainly when carrying a second pad strapped to it. Pad looks awesome and the weight is unreal for a pad that size.
Macca said...
That is one sweet looking prototype! Globally sounds good, try getting a few over to Australia if you can. We are seriously starved of good climbing gear over here!
Anonymous said...
looks rad.
any idea what the price is going to look like?
Stay tuned for the answer to this. We will be discussing it on my next trip to Boise, on Monday. We expect to launch a Pre-Order option very soon.
Good luck
Sydney OZ
Done. Thanks!
gian said...
wicked pit protector feature!!!
Thanks! It works well!
in my very limited experience light pad=crap foam. Heavy pad=sturdy, durable foam.
It's a compromise...
Fair enough. We are using the same foam combination as the old Gunther right now, which held up great. I've been using the Gunther for the past 2 years and the foam is still in great shape. However, we are looking into some different options for foam combinations to help with high impact falls. I'll let you know what we come up with next week.
jack said...
Rad I could definitely use one of these. I like the backpack feature and the straps to keep the pad level. How does it feel to have your own signature pad?