This past weekend, I was at
Mesa Rim Climbing and Fitness Center in San Diego, CA for the
PCI Clinic with Daniel Woods, Ethan Pringle and Angie Payne. What a roster! The participants were PSYCHED and the community showed tremendous support and energy. Daniel, Angie and Ethan did an amazing job instructing, once again demonstrating that the world's best climbers can also be world class instructors. "I was really impressed with all the instructors ability to articulate advanced forms of movement, complex movements, in a way that’s very assessable to different levels of climbing" said Ian McIntosh, general manager and co-owner of Mesa Rim.
We worked with climbers of all ages and abilities over the weekend. I was really impressed with all the participants. It takes humility to accept that we can learn from another climber. Climbers are a stubborn bunch, by nature. It should be noted that the athletes who teach PCI Clinics bring the same amount of humility.
"I’ve been climbing now for 17 years and I continue to learn. I learned a lot at this clinic and one of the beauties of our sport is the learning progression we all go through" said Daniel after the clinic was over. Angie shared a similar sentiment. "I’ve always known that I can continue to learn, but this just reminds me. It’s really humbling. Even after climbing for 15 years, I’m still learning every single day. Every group that came through I learned more and more."Here are a few video stills we shot over the weekend. Keep an eye out for a few videos we hope to have edited in the coming week or so. In the meantime, enjoy the photos and a big thank you goes out to our amazing Partner gym, Mesa Rim.

Daniel Woods taught The Plumb Line and Deadpoint Station over the course of the weekend.

Here Angie Payne works with John Raber, one of our many participants during our sold out Sunday Clinic.

Daniel explains Deadpoints to a group of young, eager, and talented kids.

Ilia Talalai, a Mesa Rim staff member who took the clinic to improve his setting and teaching skills, sticks a massive Pogo.

Mesa Rim General Manager and co-owner Ian McIntosh compares and contrasts the back step with the pogo at the Pogo Station with Angie and I. Hint: when the foot hold is too low to generate momentum and lift on a long move, a pogo is the way to go.

Ethan taught the very popular Dyno Station over the weekend, which resulted in equal parts of smiles and flappers.

Dana Andersen won the award for most psyche and most flappers. "I got 10 and half flappers from this clinic. They were totally worth every single one of them." Based on that face, I believe him.

I think it's fair to say that Nekaia Sanders is PSYCHED to get her special edition PCI posters signed by Daniel, Angie and Ethan.

Each day begins with a short discussion about the structure and approach to the clinic. If you haven't been to a PCI Clinic before, we split groups of 24 into equal groups of 8, based on ability. These three groups then rotate between three stations that each athlete teaches throughout the day. Participants spend 45 minutes with each station, get to climb and learn from all three athletes, and there are 6 stations total.

Nekaia got a proper flapper on the Dyno Station with Ethan. We taped it up quick and she was back on the wall, impressing everyone in the building with her talent.

The Pogo is a unique and relatively new-school technique. Here I explain the importance of the leg kick to generate the momentum necessary to cover large distances between holds.

Here we are getting ready to transition from station to the next.

Here, the king of flappers himself, Dana, executes perfect form on the Plumb Line Station with Daniel. Note the straight right arm, arched back, left foot back step, and smeared trailing leg. Well done!

Angie was great at correcting form while teaching the Wave of Extension Station. Here, Nekaia get's into position.

Instant video analysis is a great learning and teaching tool we employ at PCI Clinics. Here Angie and Faith observe her last attempt at the Wave of Extension Station before trying again.

Daniel was great at explaining how the position of the foothold, relative to the Plumb Line, effects your body position on the wall.